Friday, September 25, 2009

Ad Blocking in Vienna RSS Reader

I gave up NetNewsWire because of its ad-bombardment. Sure, I understand that free software can be expensive for the developer, but there's a limit of ad-bombardment that a user can tolerate. My threshold is very low.

Newsfeeds such as Slashdot have large and annoying graphical ad banners inserted in the RSS XML content. The size of the ads is larger than the 2-3 lines of content. This had to end.

Fortunately, the Vienna RSS reader supports customizable templates. My solution involves disabling the display of these ads using CSS. Follow these simple and easy steps to suppress the display of advertisements in your RSS feeds.
  1. Edit /Applications/
  2. Insert the following lines at the top (before the first <div> tag):

    <style type="text/css">
    @import url("");
    @import url("");

  3. Save template.html and restart Vienna RSS.
I use the following two CSS files:

If anyone comes across a frequently updated CSS stylesheet for adblocking, please let me know. It is easy to add it to "template.html" as shown above.

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